What Does it Mean to be an HSP

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  1. Omg I relate always been a cry bsby
    Feel emotions so deep
    Don’t like to be touched
    I only let certain people v close
    I give too much of myself
    When my family hurt me I take it hard
    Recently my son has hurt me so bad I go
    Into deep depressions I come out but it’s like a grief up & down I hate it Bcos I don’t want to bring negativity to my other children I can’t control
    It I cry a lot today is a good day
    Cannot watch anything horrid especially nighttime or receive upset or I don’t sleep well Thought this was the result of my childhood like everyone’s it was good & bad

  2. Darla Tempel says:

    I took the Myers Briggs personality test and scored both INFJ and ISFJ. Years later I scored ESFJ. Then I was introduced to HSP and it has really helped me understand myself more. Thank you for this site!

  3. Relief – for sure! I am so glad to have found your site for Christian women… I am sharing articles with my husband to hep him understand me better also (and just in case he thought I was a little crazy too!).

  4. Janet Covington says:

    I agree to the comment policy. I now see that others are like me. I am surrounded by extroverts who don’t seem to understand me and are very critical. Why don’t extroverts understand HSP?

  5. Laurie Hampton says:

    I fall into the Yay category! This past year has been a game changer for me! I have delved into what it really means to be a Meyers Briggs INFJ and a HSP….I wonder how often these two go together? Anyway, I am now embracing my personality and loving myself for the first time ever! I guess I finely figured out the meaning of “finding myself”! Thanks so much for this site!

    1. I am an INFJ and an HSP so you are not alone. So happy to have found this group. I am the odd man out in my family and group of friends. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out what is wrong with me or what makes me different than most. I was so happy to learn that I don’t have a personality disorder or mental illness and am just a kind and generous soul.

    2. Ana Garza says:

      I am also INFJ and according to my high scores in HSP test I guess I am that too…

  6. Liz Bosveld says:

    I am definatelt a HSP

  7. At this starting point in my journey to understanding something that has been a trial my entire life, I would say “sensitive” is a bad word. I heard it from others and I told it to myself too many times for me to think I will ever put it in the good category. I do like that there is hope on the horizon. I can equip myself with the tools I need to handle situations and my reactions. Thank you doesn’t suffice, but it’s all I can say!

  8. Hello Cheri. Thank you so much for this. When I first heard about, then read Elaine Arons’ book, I was relieved, elated and very thankful for all of her hard work and the comfort it gave me. Finally, for the first time in my 61 yrs. I felt more than okay! I have struggled with my sensitivity for my entire life, along with all the personal attacks that came with it. (I scored 96 on my sensitivity test) After answering your questions on your survey quite awhile back, I have been eager to see your results. I have been spending hours reading your posts. What a breath of fresh air! Thank you a thousand times. God bless you richly. …. Debbie

  9. Trudi Moag says:

    I am 54 and have been told I am “too sensitive” all my life. I was probably in 3rd or 4th grade the first time a friend told me that I think too much. I struggled with a deep self loathing most of my life because of feeling so different. God be thanked that (someplace in my journey of learning to love myself) I came to understand that in being sensitive I could be sensitive to other’s needs and hearts -so I have been able to find value in it. I have had to develop a sort of mental a bumper pad to prevent things that people (who don’t get me) say from completely unearthing me. I can’t wait to dive into your materials…I think my daughter is also a HSP.

  10. With age I grew to realize I am highly sensitive. And have grown to see it can be a good thing. But it wasn’t always like that and I still struggle with it around some people who do seem irritated with how I cry easy and am sensitive to emotions. My dad issue the main one who always has thought I was too sensitive. I

  11. Pingback: Part #4: More-Sensitive-Than-Most & Self-Care
  12. Hi Cheri,
    What an interesting topic! I’ve so enjoyed reading this and am going to read the other two posts you’ve written. I think the word sensitive has negative connotations to most people, though I see it as a good thing. Perhaps that’s cuz I am one. lol I suspect I’m off-the-charts sensitive. *sigh* Thank God for His grace, and a sense of humor!

    I’m quite intrigued by the book you mentioned and will have to pick up a copy.

  13. Pingback: Weekend Round-Up for March 30
  14. My definition of sensitive has always been someone who has empathy for the situation or people. Some people consider me a sensitive person but I never felt it an insult, maybe I should reconsider?

  15. Dana Ekstrand says:

    I spent my life with a “Just Get Over It” mother. It was not until my, now almost 9 yr old, granddaughter, was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Integration Disorder, that I realized I am not just: picky, or aloof or imagining skin irritation from clothes, or not really feeling a headache from loud sound, or unfriendly because I must get away from a crowd or group so I don’t scream, or just too sensitive! Many of these issues, I have been able to adjust to or compensate for, or learn how to avoid, but it is part of my daily life, and my granddaughter’s. Sometimes it just gets wearing, so I have learned to keep focusing on a day at a time–sometimes just on the next few minutes. 🙂 My granddaughter is getting plenty of help with her issues, thank God, and I know she will, in time, be able to handle them in positive ways. The Lord will use them to develop her character, and she will become a fine woman of God, who is “more sensitive than most”!