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  1. Thank you so much for this! Love the watermelon video – that really made it clear visually. Learning slowly (but learning!) to detach – before I ex-/implode…
    Also learning to trust… Romans 8:37 is one of my favourite verses 🙂

  2. Linda McCamey says:

    Today I reluctantly drove to yoga class cause I know physical fitness is good for me. I am down emotionally right now and sensitive all over. As I drove away from all the things I needed to do and took in the beauty of the sky, the green of the never ending grass I remembered God loves me apart from the chores undone and dreams unfulfilled. If I never did another single task God accepts me just as I am. That’s my anchor today.
    Thank you for the anchor verses to reminisce God’s faithfulness.

    1. Linda — “I remembered God loves me apart from the chores undone and dreams unfulfilled.” Oh, how this ministers to my heart today! Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear it.

  3. I love the 5 promises in Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV). “The Lord your God is with you; he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; he will quiet you with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing.” This week I’ve been glorying in Psalm 18:19 from this post. Thank you for that! The thought of Father God “delighting” in me pretty much keeps me alive! <3

  4. Pingback: The Voice of False Conscience
  5. Pingback: How to Use ANCHOR Verses (Part 3)
  6. Pingback: How to Use ANCHOR Verses (Part 2)
  7. Thank you Cheri, This was perfect for me today. Have a Glorious time at She speaks!!

  8. Thank you so much for your blog! God is using you in this season of my life! I’m so grateful for women that follow after His call to do what He knows will impact His kingdom for His glory! Thank you SO much!!!

    1. Choosingjoy says:

      I needed this today! God’s perfect timing.❤️