Win Every Food Battle Right Here

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  1. bertajean says:

    I love this! What a great idea to retreat to a specific place, a prayer chair, to pray and regroup. I have a special chair in which I do my morning Bible study and prayer. Now I think I’ll be visiting it throughout the day when I’m hit with food cravings. Thanks for the good idea!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I do have a prayer chair, its in my bedroom close to my closet where I spend my “me” time. When I get overwhelmed or just need to feel more of God, I head to my corner and spend some much needed time with Him. I loved your acronyms! Thanks so much for sharing again!

    Blessings and love, sweet sister!

    Raelene Osborn – Group 30 OBS

  3. My prayer chair is in the guest room at our house. That is my quiet place. Love “WTF” Why the food? What’s the feeling? Where’s the Freedom? Thank you Cheri!

  4. Amen to the prayer chair and the great questions. Asking what am I feeling?Where (in what situation) have I felt this way before? And Where is the Freedom? Ah yes! I capitalized Freedom because Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door and certainly the Freedom. I recently did a Strong’s search on ” bread”, “fill”, “eat” and”satisfy” and came up with so many stories where God fed and filled people from the garden of Eden; to Jacob after the ladder dream; and Joseph and all the then world during the famine; the manna and the land of milk and honey; Elijah after his 17 mile run in the rain; Ps 23 where Jehovah prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies (sounds to me like He is offering good choices even @ potluck instead of all the tempting refined carbs. 🙂 See Jesus and the 5000 andRevelation where we will eat with Jesus in His kingdom. God wants to fill us on His Word (Ps 19 It is so sweet!) He wants to fill our body temple the sane (Freudian slip, I meant same 🙂 way He filled Solomon’s temple with His glory and filled the disciples @ Pentecost. and

    1. Heya Melinda — LOVE your Bible search on how God feeds and fills His people! What a great paradigm shift! And I love seeing Freedom with the capital “F”! 🙂