What Too Sensitive Has Come to Mean

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  1. Feeling speechless with tears in my eyes. POWERFUL >>> Remembering how He was so “deeply moved in spirit” by Mary’s tears that He wept publically with her (John 11:33-35), I sense His presence with me in my suffering.

  2. I am grateful I stumbled on this
    teaching. I have always been sensitive to others words, actions, towards me. Crying at the drop of a hat. Mulling over decisions, mistakes I’ve made in the past, feeling different and damaged. When I read your words Cheri, I saw myself, thank you for this study..gratefully Cheri A.

  3. For the first time in my life, through your words, I feel both understood and can put to words who I truly am. I can accept myself for being a HSP and celebrate this instead of always wondering why I am “too sensitive” and a “cry baby.” To prove just how much of a HSP I am…. I was crying both while reading your words and now while I write! I use to tell myself “Really, get a grip on yourself…” but now I can see the beauty in it. Thanks for reminding me to go to Jesus and that he is always welcoming and often moved by our tears.

  4. It makes my soul happy to know I am not alone. Cheri you are a God Send and I am so grateful I found your site. From the bottom of my heart, God Bless You and all of those in this Community!

  5. Thanks for letting me know it’s okay to be who I am. God made me sensitive so I can help others through their hard times and this is a beautiful gift. A, sometimes, hard gift to carry through but worth it, I wouldn’t want to be anything else but what God wants me and made me to be.

  6. I am definitely an HSP. Thank you for this community of others like me.

  7. Wow. Totally. I got 92 on the test. So generally I try to act hard, when all I really am is a sensitive being. Thank you for taking this, a way God has made me and pointing it all back to my Lord, my Saviour, the one who has loved me since the beginning of time, Jesus.

  8. I have just read a little of your site and I know that we are already friends. Thanks—someone like me.

  9. Thank you for being so transparent and for doing something to help instead of letting it conquer you. This truth is valuable!

  10. Kylie Hinze says:

    Thank you Cheri – this article gives me hope. I think being hsp is awesome for those intimate moments we may experience with God from time to time. We experience the joy even more. And vice versa. Your blog is teaching me to work the good and manage the bad aspects of being hsp. God bless

  11. Pingback: #6 MSTM: Do Not Fear for I Am & I Will