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  1. Nannette Foster says:

    Thank you, Cheri! I needed to hear these words today.

  2. Racel Jordan says:

    I felt redeemed from my past embarrassing experiences. Thank you for reminding me that “I am, OK”. Being surrounded by judgmental people is a challenge especially when you see them laugh at someone’s mistake but starting today I can pay forward these powerful words …my dear “You’re okay”.

  3. This is great advice, even to repeat to myself in times when I feel so overwhelmed I just want to cry. Thanks for sharing!! It’s to know that I’m not alone!

  4. I so needed to hear this today!!! Thank you Cheri and also thank you Kathi! I’m so grateful and glad God made you two wonderful people to help me give grace to my own soul.

    Blessings back to you Cheri for creating this grace place for tender-hearted Christ-followers❤️Jo

  5. Cheri,

    I feel your pain. But, it makes a great story. My sister was at a funeral recently and she forgot to turn off her GPS before she went into the sanctuary. Right before the pastor began speaking her GPS said, “YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR FINAL DESTINATION!”😂 The horror, the horror! I can laugh because it happened to her. She is not an HSP. I would have been on the floor😳Stuff happens. Remind me of that when I need it, please. 😀

  6. Nancy Russell says:


  7. I too have a “Kathy” in my life and those words spoken are sweet, sweet to my soul! My prayer is to learn to more quickly claim them for my own! Thanks so much!

  8. Christine says:

    I agree especially with the “never ending attempts to make up for it.” The guilt can be so hard that we can’t stop trying to make amends. I do it all the time and it’s tiresome.
    Thank you for posting! Your blog is a wonderful help!!

  9. What an excellent friend Kathi is. I want her to be my friend too. : )

    I’m taking those words, “You’re ok”, for myself. I might even consider them for my first tattoo (on my aging, wrinkly skin) I think I would put them along the side of my index finger, where I would see them when my eyes are cast down and my hands are locked together.

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Carrie Rowell says:

    Thank you. I love this blog. What a God-send it has been.

  11. Love this-I need the reminder that I am OK. But, I have to admit, I did laugh out loud. It is because I’ve totally done this and it is SO EMBARRASSING, but I am glad I can laugh about it now.

  12. A number of years ago, I experienced a “You’re Ok” moment after a terrible experience in church. My husband was traveling and our two year old son somehow convinced me that he was capable of sitting quietly in church so I did not take him to the nursery and he sat with me. When I realized my error (stop laughing please) I told him I was taking him out and in a last ditch effort to remain, he grabbed the back of the pew in front of us. I pried his little fingers loose and started toward the back of the church and the dear child grabbed the back of the next pew – and he did that again and again all the way to the back of the church, all while screaming, “Somebody help me!” Yup, that happened.

    I took him to the nursery and snuck into the back of the church, trying to be invisible. A dear, sweet wonderful grandpa later touched me gently on the arm and said, “Don’t feel bad – we have all been there and probably will be again someday!” I’ve since told him how important his kindness was. Thanks Cheri for the reminder!

  13. Sheryl Gray says:

    Thank you! Thank you! I’m Ok. Glad I’m not alone. Good post! Awesome post!

  14. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. It’s OK. I’m OK. Thankyou.

  15. Julie Lorenz says:

    This was just what I needed to read today. Thank you.

  16. Awesome post. Awesome story. Awesome response (Kathi’s and yours)! Thanks for sharing.

  17. We all need a friend like Kathi. Friends should fight for us.


  18. Sue Schechtman says:

    Oh my gosh Cheri, I love you. Many times in the last few weeks those two words have been spoken to my heart. No particular reason a crying jag threatens, I hear”Your Okay”. Restarting a ministry I have done multiple times but a fear is bubbling up about messing it up. I hear ,”Your Okay”. My hubby is deployed and I am living alone for the first time ever. I am coming face to face with figuring out who Sue is and my new/true reasoning for why God made me the way he did and what that means in serving Him. I am finding strength that I forgot I had but also realities that I usually run from. Bottom line is while I’m walking this trail, God is whispering, I’m Okay.