3 Questions You Can Ask to Speed Up Your Personal Growth
Ready to lose that overwhelming sense that “something must be wrong with me” and learn, instead, to embrace this HSP gift God’s given you? Check out The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe, which is currently open to new members!
Her email reads, “If I’m such a smart person, why am I SO SLOW?”
I nod while typing back:
“You’re not alone! Many HSPs feel the exact same way.”
It’s as if everyone else can absorb twice as much information in half the time.
They meet their personal growth goals in one attempt—with Instagram “SUCCESS!!!” photos that prove it.
They always seem to take three steps forward … zero steps back.
While you’re wishing for a bottle of brain glue.
Because for all your efforts to retain new information and gain new skills, nothing seems to stick.
I get it.
I know what it’s like to try your hardest and still feel like every single baby step of personal growth takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
But it doesn’t have to.
3 Paradigm Shifts
This year, three paradigm shifts have been helping new things stick better in my brain — and in my behavior.
They started as three one-line statements:
- “Reflection is more important than more information.”
- “Familiarity and mastery are two very different things.”
- “… behavior change is tough without feedback and support.”
I’ve re-phrased them as 3 simple questions you can ask to speed up your personal growth.
Question #1: “When will I make time for reflection?”
As an information junkie, I love to skim articles, listen to podcasts, and buy books.
But for an HSP, reflection is vital.
It’s during reflection that information moves from short-term recall to long-term retention.
It’s where you shift from basic understanding to real-life application.
When collecting information, be sure to set aside time for reflection.
Question #2. “How will I put this into practice?”
With so much information available on the Internet, it’s so easy to think, Oh, I know that already!
This is where it helps to pause and ask:
Do I really know it — at a level where I’m regularly applying it in my everyday life as an HSP?
Or am I just vaguely familiar with the overall concept?
The key difference between familiarity and mastery is practice: consistent, concentrated, intentional practice.
Question #3. “Who can give me personalized feedback and support?”
This quote from Adam Grant has hung above my computer all year:
Books are ideal for learning and reflecting, but behavior change is tough without feedback and support. Reading isn’t a substitute for coaching or therapy.
I spent decades gathering information — on my own. Reflecting on it — by myself. Attempting to act on it — without anyone’s help.
I spent those same decades wondering:
- If I’m such a smart person, why am I SO SLOW?
- Why does nothing seem to stick?
- What on earth is wrong with me?
Now I know that I need a coach: someone who has walked the road ahead of me, who comes alongside me, giving immediate feedback and on-going support.
Coaching can make all the difference between staying stuck and steady growth.
Reflection. Practice. Coaching.
Reflection. Practice. Coaching.
They’re the 3 key ingredients in every bottle of HSP brain glue.
They’re also the three core components of our “Growing Sensitive & Strong: 5 Truth-Steps to HSP Freedom” group coaching program.
Here, again, are the 3 simple questions you can ask to speed up your personal growth:
- “When will I make time for reflection?”
- “How will I put this into practice?”
- “Who can give me personalized feedback and support?”
Which question do you need to ask yourself today?