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  1. Since my husband and I work with people who have addictions, we tend to use the word “healthy” instead of normal because what is normal for me may not be normal for you. And when you look at life and how we respond to the different things in our lives we can have healthy choices that we make. And these choices include having a daily decision to have God in our lives so that when these things come up we have strength to face them. I’m not saying I am not tearful when I think of Pastor Jon and his family but it means that I put them in God’s hands every single time they cross my mind which right now is quite frequent. It means that today I am thankful to be here, that I know God has a plan for me and yet life is very fragile. So we need to trust Him to guide us so without asking Him to be in my life today I would just be up against a roaring river with no chance to make it to the other side.
    Thank you for your work. See you soon.

  2. LeAnne Thornton says:

    My second grandbaby was born 9 weeks early by emergency C-section in an attempt to save both my daughter and my grand-daughter – Amazing they both came out of the surgery strong, healthy and ready to live life to the fullest! Today, nine months later life is so normal you would never know how close we came to losing one or both of them. God is so amazing with the normal things he uses to grow us closer to Him and closer to each other. Thank you Cheri for another thought provoking article, love your work!

    1. LeAnne —

      Wow! What a scary situation with a beautiful “ending”…that was a just the beginning!

      You’re so right that God uses the normal things to grow us closer to Him and to each other. The “thrill addiction” culture Angela brought up is just one more way of desensitizing us to the “natural highs” of life.

  3. Thanks, Angela!

    I’ve never really gone on a “rant” before, but this sure got me. Every day is a miracle filled with miracles. You’re so right that culture keeps pushing us to demand more and more instead of recognizing how much we already have.

    But of course, if advertisers didn’t create “felt needs,” how would they get consumers’ money (without actually fulfilling any needs)?