57 Myths about Sensitivity and How to Debunk Them

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  1. Wow that list is a stinger… ๐Ÿ˜’
    People really think that about others…. I have a closet full of unpacked issues because of having family members who feel they are perfectly ok with stabbing me with them…. I guess this is why I live several thousands of miles on the other side of the country…. As a highly sensitive man and a Christian who is an empath to boot I can tell you without any doubt people are SO SO uneducated about what it mean to FEEEEEL OPF..(other people’s feelings) but I will try the debunker for myself… Thanks for sharing and caring.
    BeBlessed. Darren ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‡โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

  2. Cheri,

    For some reason I could not download your book on debunking. It said something about being blocked so I’ll see if my daughter can help me with it.

    There are three of us HSP living in our home so we do fine together. It’s when we come eye to eye with those who are not that it’s a challenge, as every HSP can attest.

    I was actually called a “bleeding heart,” by someone in a not-so-nice letter which I’m sure she wrote for my own good. I like stopping by your place where I can be who I am.

    I’m a poet and my poems will resonate with others and that is a wonderful place to connect. The next book I will be writing will be on grief.

  3. Very eye opening article thank you Cheri. One myth ‘if youre too sensitive then your relationship with God is not what it should be’ is the worst one for me. Could that comment be bordering on spiritual abuse? One’s relstionship with God is sacred ground and wow, who is qualified to judge it? A christian mentor used to tell me a similar thing that my stress levels indicated i wasnt abiding in Christ. Wow that hurt alot. Funny, I no longer seek the help that mentor! Two years I was diagnosed with 3 chronic diseases that really affect your ability to cope with stress which was really vindicating for me. It also conveys the importance of not judging. I think any comment that has an underlying connotation or note of blame in it are hard for Hsps. It doesnt take long to work out the blame/shame folks…the tough ones who are quick to boast they ‘just get on with it’. Ughhh…well this myth buster tool will help me not only ‘just get on with it’ but also help me love others and bring me closer to Jesus. Thank you Cheri and team ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Cheri thank you! Your HSP posts are throwing me an emotional lifeline after hearing my whole life how wrong who I am was. I’m strong and confident much of the time but I’m recognizing I have a lot of HSP characteristics that those close to me growing up dismissed as wrong and that I needed to change. This post had my eyes so wide! Thank you. I’m going to print that and pray-cess quite a few things.

  5. I love this, Cheri,! Thanks so much. I look forward to using the sheet to praycess. I almost started crying reading the list because a lot of these are rooted so deeply in my heart.

  6. Gail Carlisle says:

    Well, I must be extremely sensitive – more than I thought, because I checked every answer. I am very sensitive; I get my feelings hurt very easily; I don’t understand people and they sure don’t even “try” to understand me! They think I all have a problem and need to go back to a psychiatrist – or just to counseling. I try to explain what I mean – they either take over the conversation – or just shoo me away. It really is hard to be a dedicated Christian, when “other” Christians treat you like you are an idiot and nothing you say matters!! ๐Ÿ™ :(. If I have a problem; I’m told it’s all in my head – that’s not the way it really is! I’m ready to give up! :(.

  7. “You cry to get your own way.”

    I’ve been hearing that for years from my dad! It annoys me so much to hear that over and over again, even though I’m now over 40.

    Thanks so much for this helpful tool Cheri! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Agree!
      This is too true.

  8. I’m new to your blog but have read through almost every post and it has been VERY helpful. Today I’m struggling with #13you can’t possibly feel/hear/taste/smell that, you’re making it up. I have monster reactions to smell and migraines to perfume and stress. I’m positive you are tasting moth ball coffee because that is a nauseating smell. i could use a little support and prayer this week. We sold our big family home last month the same day my mom had amputation of her leg. We move in 2 wks and haven’t found a house. I’m not telling mom because I don’t want to add to her stress and of course she wants me with her as much as possible. My brother wants moms apartment sold quickly so we are there packing the stuff we want plus a 3,800 sq ft house that we are downsizing. Constant house hunting an hour and a half away with all the candles and plug ins along with contractors who come here wearing strong cologne is making me sick. I am hanging on but gotta say it is quite overwhelming. Thank you for listening.

    1. Hang in there Pamela! Tell the contractor you have chemical sensitivities that cause migraines and would he be so kind as to not wear his cologne the day he sees you. He may forget but at least you tried. I have chemical sensitivities caused by mold poisoning. If i hug someone at church and I get their perfume on me it makes me sick until I can get home and shower. Wet wipes in the car help. Anyway God is with you and has great plans for you and your family. Who knows how He will work all this for good? Especially our and others eternal good. One thing Cheri taught me through this blog is the importance of time outs and rest/self care. And so true when moving. Even if its a couple of minutes breathing. I just downloaded free app mycalmbeat which slows your breathing down. Loving it God bless