Join us in
“Growing Sensitive & Strong”
5 Truth-Steps to HSP Freedom
a group coaching program for HSP Christian women
“Being in tune with my HSP traits allows me to experience God more deeply.
The more I understand the nuances of how God created me, and that He did so for a reason,
the more I experience His presence and understand His character.”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
The short video above gives you details about our group coaching program, including:
- who it’s for
- what kinds of questions we’ll be answering
- the ultimate goal of the program
You’re invited to join us on a very special journey.
It’s a growth journey with a few like-minded HSP sisters.
During our time together, you’ll learn to …
replace misbeliefs about HSPs with Biblical and scientific truths about how God wired you as an HSP — on purpose, for His purpose!
… replace misbeliefs about HSPs with Biblical and scientific truths about how God wired you as an HSP — on purpose, for His purpose!
… gain permission and courage to be exactly who God wired you to be — at the DNA level.
… rely fully on Jesus to be the Strength of your tender heart.
… notice and meet the actual needs of your HSP body, brain, heart, and soul.
… practice healthy skills to handle (and even prevent) overwhelming situations, thoughts, and feelings.
… connect with others who “get” you in a community of HSP women whose lives are focused on honoring Christ.
… discern how and when to best serve other people with your God-given gift of sensitivity
“My favorite thing has been the candid conversations about real-life stuff. I love how you share, Cheri, and also how others share their thought processes and how they are changing as they get deeper insights into HSP. It is the real-life connection to real people going through the same things and how they just ‘get it’ that really appeals to me. So refreshing.”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
Winter ’20-21To secure your spot, simply select your preferred payment option:
Registration closes Tuesday, June 8, at noon Pacific.
Are you brand new to the whole idea of being a Highly Sensitive Person?
This program is for you.
Have you been studying High Sensitivity, but you’d like to connect HSP theories with the nitty-gritty of your day-to-day life?
This program is also for you.
Do you have an HSP child in your life, and you’d love for them to learn how to be “sensitive and strong” at a much earlier age?
This program is for you, too.
Is your tender heart feeling heavy from the cumulative weight of all that’s happened in the last year?
This program is definitely for you.
“It’s such a sense of giving myself permission to be who God created me to be. The HSP is such a huge part of that because it involves how I’m wired. I never had the depth of knowledge I needed on this, so I was continually feeling like something was wrong with me.”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
Winter ’20-21The Nitty-Gritty
When: The “Growing Sensitive & Strong” Group Coaching Program runs for 6 weeks in June and July 2021.
Where: You’ll be invited to an exclusive, private area of the Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe where all program content will be shared and all discussions will be held.
How: We meet weekly for a live call via Zoom.
By the end of the 6-week “Growing Sensitive & Strong” group coaching program, you’ll have the practical tools to advocate for yourself and for other HSPs in your life.
“I’m okay. There’s nothing wrong with me. I can make adjustments in my life so that I can function at my optimal level.”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
Winter ’20-21Hi, I’m Cheri!
I spent most of my life thinking something was very wrong with me.
Now that I know I’m an HSP — a Highly Sensitive Person — I realize God made me different … not defective.
From my work with hundreds of other Christian women who are also HSPs, I know how easily we can become over-stimulated and overwhelmed.
I also see the many strengths we offer our families, friends, and the world around us because of our God-given sensitivities.
When you quit trying to be like everyone else, you enjoy new-found freedoms. And as you rely on Jesus to be the Strength of your tender heart, you find contentment, confidence, and unexpected joy.
I’m the founder of Sensitive and Strong: the place where the HSP Christian woman finds connection.
With Kathi Lipp, I’m the co-author of Overwhelmed and You Don’t Have to Try So Hard.
With Amy Carroll, I’m the co-host of Grit ‘n’ Grace—The Podcast and co-author of Exhale.
And with Denise J. Hughes, I’m the co-author of Sensitive and Strong: a Guidebook for Highly Sensitive Persons and Those Who Love Them.
As you can tell, I’m a collaborator at heart. I’m already anticipating the many reciprocal blessings God has in store for us as we link arms and take this journey side-by-side.
I’d love for you to join me!
“You will walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and real-life applications you can continue to use in the future. You’ll also meet other women you and connect with who just ‘get’ you!”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
Winter ’20-21To secure your spot, simply select your preferred payment option:
Registration closes Tuesday, June 8, at noon Pacific.
“My inner dialogue has shifted. I’m done listening to negative self-talk that uses my HSP traits as an excuse for why I can’t be all that I want to be and all that God is calling me to be.”
~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
Winter ’20-21Hear how Leslie describes her experience:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this on Facebook?
Not at all! This program is held in a special private area within The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe, which is a secure membership site built on a Mighty Network.
Do I have to sign up separately for a membership in The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe?
No. In fact, a 2-month membership in The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe, is included in the cost of “Growing Sensitive & Strong”! (Monthly membership in The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe will be $49/month as of June 1, 2021.)
How will I learn my way around the Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe? I don’t think I’ve ever used a Mighty Network before …
You’ll receive an orientation to The Cafe — and the “Growing Sensitive & Strong” area within it — before the program begins so that you feel completely comfortable and at ease.
When will the Zoom calls be held?
Once registration closes, we’ll survey all participants and create a Zoom schedule that meets everyone’s needs.
I’m not comfortable talking during a Zoom call. Is it okay for me to just listen in and maybe participate via chat?
Everyone is welcome to participate (or not) in whatever way is most comfortable, each and every week. During our first pilot program, we had every possible combination of women on video and talking, on video and listening, off video and talking, off video and listening, etc. We’re all in unique situations, and we want you to feel free to show up however best meets your needs.
What’s Cheri like as an instructor?
“CONTENT! She delivers all the course knowledge that she invests in, receives personally and puts into practice. She is authentic in her walk.” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
“Clear and structured information, uses strong phrases as reminders, open about different ways of participation” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
“Has a wealth of information, yet very comfortable to relate to and have discussions with” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
“Understanding, easy going, accepting, knowledgeable, kind, helpful, encouraging” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
“Well, Cheri’s a very unique person. Everything she does is intentional. You kind of get the feeling that she’s unflappable from what you see of her, but she’s so honest about her short-comings that you can also understand she falls apart at times just like the rest of us. She’s always prepared, and she’s always adding things to her list to prepare. (For instance, when a concept comes up in discussion that she hadn’t thought about, she takes notes so she’ll remember to look up more info about it later.) She’s caring, encouraging, and a wealth of practical resources and ideas.” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
“Inviting, accessible. Well-prepared, sharp!” ~ Growing Sensitive & Strong Alumna
I have more questions — how can I get them answered?
Drop me an eMail at [email protected] !
To secure your spot, simply select your preferred payment option:
Registration closes Tuesday, June 8, at noon Pacific.
“I learned how to accept my HSP-ity at a deeper level. How to better name it and communicate it to those close to me.”