How to Trust God When Life Feels So Unfair

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  1. I LOVED this blog, as it definitely resonated w/ me.
    I have ALMOST learned the art of “Gratitude IN ALL circumstances.”

  2. Thanks for this post. So often, I find myself in these two places–and not knowing how to handle it.

  3. Thank you. I needed to hear that. So many times I forget to be grateful.

  4. Once again, your writing meets me right where I am at !!
    As (yet another) friend is called to move away, for the purposes God has for her and her life, I need to choose between celebrating and being grateful for what He is doing in her life, and my feelings of (once again) feeling left behind and abandoned.
    Thank you for pointing me to a new way of processing my thoughts and feelings……

  5. Thank you for your encouraging perspective on how to process life!
    Your example was an eye opener for me and I intentionally want to put it into action in my day-to-day life….. TODAY!🤗